eGift Cards – Distributor Promotions Terms & Conditions

These Conditions of Use govern the use and operation of your Visa gift card (“eGift Card”). Your eGift Card is issued to you by True Rewards Pty Ltd ABN 80 632 364 759 (“the Distributor”).

By acquiring an eGift Card, you accept these Conditions of Use. If you give this eGift Card to someone else, you must tell them that by accepting the eGift Card, they will be accepting these Conditions of Use for True Rewards and the retailer who owns the retail eGift and must comply to each retailers' unique terms.
THIS AGREEMENT is entered into on the date of the attached and completed order form between True Rewards Pty Ltd ABN 80 632 364 759 (“ the Distributor”) and the company who purchases the product (“CUSTOMER”).
(“the Distributor”), and the Customer identified in order form (“CUSTOMER”). WITNESSETH:

WHEREAS, the Distributor is engaged in the business of providing Gift Cards to its customers; and
WHEREAS, CUSTOMER desires to order Gift Cards from the Distributor and the Distributor is willing to deliver the cards pursuant to such order, conditioned, however, upon this Agreement by the parties to comply with the terms, covenants and conditions herein provided.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, the parties agree as follows:
1. Inventory. the Distributor agrees to make available to CUSTOMER Prepaid EGift Cards, Virtual EGift Cards as found in our Card Catalogue, with the understanding that such list is subject to change and that additional brands may also be available upon request.

2. Ordering. Orders are to be placed as directed by the Distributor.

3. Pricing. Pricing is subject to change without notice, and unless otherwise negotiated for a specific order, the customer shall pay the Distributor the prices published at

4. Payment. CUSTOMER will be invoiced for its order and agrees to pay the Distributor the amount stated on the invoice by direct debit transfer prior to order processing. Payment by Visa or MasterCard is also available on orders of less than $5,000 for an added convenience fee of 3.5%. Payment must be made, in advance, prior to shipment. the Distributor does not extend credit for any gift cards ordered under this Agreement.

5. Order Processing. In general, CUSTOMER orders will be processed within two (2) business days from receipt of payment. However, some orders may require additional processing time. Additional time is also required for fulfilment, which varies depending on the type of order normally within one hour.

6. Order Delivery. Orders are fulfilled as either a) Token Codes or b) emailed or c) SMS

a) Codes
i) Token Codes may be delivered directly to the recipient by email or download;
ii) Subject to available inventory, the Distributor typically processes redemption requests within 2 – 4 hours; however, orders may take longer to fulfil and delivery times are not guaranteed.
1. eGift Cards are delivered as a link sent by email.
2.. eGift Cards are delivered as a link sent by SMS.

iii) Redemption requests must be made by an individual recipient to whom the code was given. Requests by CUSTOMER or
CUSTOMER’s representative to redeem codes will not be accepted. Additionally, codes may not be reused by CUSTOMER and
given to another recipient or redeemed for its own purposes. Any attempt by CUSTOMER to reuse unredeemed codes will result in
the cancellation of the codes. the Distributor does not provide redemption reporting. CUSTOMER acknowledges that some codes may not be redeemed by its recipients and forfeits its interest in any monetary value that may be derived from unredeemed codes.
b) Bulk Shipped Plastic Cards. If bulk shipping of plastic cards is available and requested, CUSTOMER agrees to acknowledge and accept all responsibility for the potential loss, misplacement, or destruction of the cards. CUSTOMER further releases the Distributor from any and all liability for the bulk shipment and relinquishes any recourse against the Distributor in connection with the shipment of the cards. For the security of your shipment, Prepaid EGift Cards are funded at noon central time on the next business day after card activation.

7. Special Handling. Should CUSTOMER require any special handling, pricing for such handling will be negotiated on a per order basis.

8. Returns. Returns and exchanges are not accepted by the Distributor All sales and redemptions are final.

9. Events of Default. CUSTOMER shall be in default under this Agreement upon the happening of any of the following events: (a) default in the payment of any financial obligation owed under this Agreement; (b) Default in the performance of any other obligation, covenant or liability contained in this Agreement or (c) the insolvency, dissolution, termination or discontinuance of CUSTOMER’S business, the appointment of a receiver for CUSTOMER, any assignment of CUSTOMER’S assets for the benefit of creditors or the commencement of any bankruptcy proceeding by or against CUSTOMER as a debtor in such proceeding.
In the event of any default by CUSTOMER hereunder, this Agreement shall terminate and CUSTOMER shall pay all reasonable attorneys’ fees and litigation costs
association with collection or enforcement of this Agreement.

10. Warranties and Disclaimers. CUSTOMER warrants that it is a duly organized company and that its purchases are for legitimate business purposes and that they are not in conflict with Anti-money laundering laws in Australia the Distributor warrants that it is a duly organized company and that the Gift Cards provided are valid and issued in compliance with the customary terms and conditions of the respective merchant. the Distributor shall not be liable to CUSTOMER or any third party for any indirect, special or consequential damages or incidental damages, including, but not limited to, loss of profit, loss of goodwill, or loss of use of any kind, however, caused, whether or not t possibility of such damages was disclosed to either party or could reasonably have been foreseen by the parties at the time of this Agreement. In no event shall any damages claimed for breach of this limited warranty exceed the total amount of this order. No action arising out of this Agreement may be brought by CUSTOMER more than ninety (90) days from the date of shipment of the applicable Gift Cards. THERE ARE NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES HEREUNDER, AND MORE PARTICULARLY, THE DISTRIBUTOR MAKES NO IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

11. Advertising. Unless CUSTOMER has already received approval from the Distributor, prior to use of any Gift Card image or merchant logo on any website or in any advertising, CUSTOMER shall have the Distributor seek written approval on its behalf from the merchant.

12. Indemnification by CUSTOMER. CUSTOMER shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Distributor and its employees and agents from any and all claims by the issuers of the Gift Cards or any other third parties arising from the marketing or use of the Gifts Cards provided under this Agreement.

13. Assignability. No rights or duties arising under this Agreement may be assigned or delegated by CUSTOMER without the prior written consent of the Distributor.
Subject to the foregoing limitation, this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns.

14. Final Agreement. This Agreement, including the attached order form, constitutes the entire understanding of the parties hereto and supersedes any and all prior
agreements, understandings or arrangements between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. No changes, amendments, modifications or alterations of this
The agreement shall be effective unless they are in writing and signed by both parties.

15. Choice of Law. This Agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the VICTORIA.

16. Force Majeure. No party to this Agreement shall be liable for failure to perform any duty or obligation that said party may have under this Agreement where such failure has been occasioned by any act of God, fire, strike, inevitable accident, war or any cause outside the reasonable control of the party who had the duty to perform.

17. Severability. In the event that any provision of this Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining portions of this Agreement shall remain valid and effective unless the provision found to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable goes to the essence of the Agreement.


True Rewards attempts to be as accurate as possible however sometimes errors may occur. We do not represent or warrant that any description, eGift Card, Retailer or pricing information displayed on our Service is accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free. In the event of an error, we will endeavour to correct it as quickly as possible and revise your order accordingly or to cancel the order, no refunds will be issued and may incur further administration costs, on some occasions a credit may be considered and such any considerations will be at the absolute discretion of True Rewards management.

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